(mis'-an'-dre') is the hatred or oppression of males. Most of us would be familiar with the term misogyny (hatred of
women), however few people are familiar with its opposite. This may be related to the way our society ignores the oppression
of men and generally focuses on men as the source of oppression as opposed to victims of it.
demonstrated how women were oppressed and it pointed the finger at men as the source of this subjugation. According to feminist
theory, all men are part of this process and bear some responsibility for it. Therefore, it is acceptable in our society
to disparage, insult and discriminate against men.
Men are portrayed
as a homogenous mass who all benefit from the patriarchal system, however in the following pages I will show this to be a
flawed perspective. For while men do have advantages these advantages come at a price.
While women
have come a long way in addressing the oppressive impact of gender stereotyping men are still constrained by these constructs.
Men are disadvantaged and discriminated against in a range of areas including health, education and as parents.
The aim of
this website is to address this issue by activley lobbying for change, to raise awareness and generate support for men who
are damaged and disadvantaged by our society. As men we have made great contributions to our society and as fathers we
are a vital part of all family units.
"In January, Kate O Beirne released her no-holds-barred critique of the Ladies in Lavender, Women Who Make the World Worse.
Noting that the modern women's movement is totalitarian in its methods, radical in its aims, and dishonest in its advocacy,
the book intones, we depend on manly characteristics to keep us safe. Every single one of the dead firemen on 9/11 was a man."
"Automatic rubbishing
of men, which is now so part of our culture that it is hardly even noticed. Feminism (she says) has achieved much for women,
but why did this have to be at the cost of men. .......We have many wonderful, clever, powerful women everywhere but what
is happening to men?.......I was in a class of nine and ten year old girls and boys and this young woman was telling these
kids that the reason for wars was the innately violent nature of men. You could see the little girls fat with complacency
and conceit while the little boys sat there crumpled, apologizing for their existence, thinking this was going to be the pattern
of their lives...... It is time we began to ask who are these women who continually rubbish men? The most stupid ill-educated
nasty woman can rubbish the nicest, kindest and most intelligent man and no one protests. Men seem to be so cowed that they
can't fight back and it's time they did."
Doris Lessing
The picture below is of a new
product that clearly illustrates how misandry has become an accepted part of our society. Its a knife block called All
Men Are Bastards, that can be purchased online. If I created a similar item aimed at women or ethnic minorities
there would be outrage, but because misandry is accepted in our society it is seen as funny.
It is in a
similar vein to the popular t-shirt "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them",
which if the word boy was substituted for girls, or Asians, or black people would generate hysteria and outrage with people
pointing out how such attitudes create great suffering for those at whom it is directed. But men and boys are fair game and
hence we cop the most obscene comments.

Our Mission
To foster true gender equity that will provide equitable access to resources and support services, thereby allowing
men to express the fullness of their potential without being restricted by oppressive gender stereotypes that have a negative
impact on all aspects of mens lives.